Tuesday, November 17, 2009

A Christmas gift for Jesus!

Some great news came in my email box this morning: a man asked to sponsor one of the new children of Beveni! My heart is filled with gratitude to Ryan and his wife, and to our God who knew they needed their new child as much as she needed them!

Some of my friends just came home from a 10 day trip to Swaziland that included time visiting the children of Beveni. Many of them tell me Beveni is their favorite carepoint, simply because there is joy there. The children laugh! I believe it is because there are hundreds of people praying for them every day.

The other thing my friends tell me is that life is desperate there. Children live alone. Some eat dirt because there is no food. Most have never had a clean source of water or access to any medical care.

This is all so much to process for me, especially right before we are due to celebrate a holiday season that includes so much self-indulgence.

So we sat down tonight to talk about what we want to give to Jesus for Christmas instead of what we hope to get from one another.Then we decided to share our Christmas list with everyone we know, with the request that they share it with people they know.

Here is our list:

We want to give Jesus a fully sponsored Beveni Carepoint. That means we need 26 more sponsors willing to pay $34 a month to be Hope to a child, real Hope that comes in the form of sufficient food, an education, medicine, food, shelter. And time with adults who love Jesus and are able to share Him with the children until the children know and love Jesus.

Children can be sponsored in various ways: if you are part of a small group, church, business; if you lead a youth group or worship team; if you have family and friends you can team up with.......in whatever form you can imagine becoming hope, would you consider doing something for one of "my" kids?

Not everyone can sponsor a child, but everyone can tell others about these children and their needs.

We can each be a voice for them, telling their stories since they have absolutely no platform from which to speak.

Please consider sharing our Christmas wish list for Jesus with others. That would be HUGE! You are welcome to give my email (bevenicarepoint@comcast.net) and blog address to others for their use.

There are 40 days until Christmas. Please pray for us, for the children and for the people God knows are the sponsors for these kids!

In Him, with growing faith and much joy!

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