Monday, July 13, 2009

Four children...........

Nearly 7 months ago, we accepted the opportunity to become sponsorship coordinators for the 102 children of the Beveni Carepoint. At the time, 14 kids were sponsored. Since then, God has written a most remarkable story of redemption with details of beauty from ashes.

He has accomplished so much for the precious children and caregivers of that community by drawing a faith community together in prayer and commitment to them. The details have been shared through this group, emails and our family blog and include how He blessed what we called the Beveni Challenge.

And the story continues to this day! Let me describe a scene taken from our family’s daily routine , kind of a sneak peek into life in the Gangemi home.

When we became coordinators for this carepoint, Children’ HopeChest sent us hard copies of the profiles of 102 kids. We spread them out over our dining room table or coffee table, and began praying for them. At first, they were precious faces without names, but as we prayed for them and talked over them, admiring a smile, having our hearts touched by a look in a set of eyes, these kids became “ours”. Yup, now we are a family of 106: 4 Gangemi’s and 102 kids with names we cannot pronounce! Isn’t God incredible?

As children became sponsored, we moved their profiles to a separate pile and kept praying. We felt so blessed as the “unsponsored”pile grew smaller and smaller………and stunned in the last 10 days as the pile was reduced to just four faces: beautiful 15 year old Sesabile, sweet 14 year old Ncobile, handsome 14 year old Thabo and cute little 9 year old Senzo. They are identified in the video at the end of this post:

These kids are not just faces to us anymore. They are precious children of our Papa, dearly loved, deeply cherished. They are made in His image and have something of Him to show each of us. There isn’t one of us who wouldn’t be blessed to know them!

I am sending this to you today to ask you to commit yourself to praying for these four children, and for those who would become their sponsors. I believe with every ounce of my being that the reason 98 of the children have sponsors is because they have been prayed for, and because His big kids have responded.

If, when you are praying for these four kids, you feel a tug to do something more, please do so. Share this message and the link to the video with people you know. Don’t be afraid to let others know! You may be in this story only as a message bearer to someone who needs to know one of these children; what a blessing you will be to that person who needs one of these kids in their own lives as much or more than the child needs them!

Anyone is welcome to contact me via FB message board or email: . It is my absolute joy to speak to people about caring for orphans, especially these orphans!

We are so grateful to all who have come alongside us as a faith community, the Beveni carepoint sponsorship community. We pray for each of you, that He would bless you with His brand of peace and joy even as your commitment to these children bring them hope.

In Him, with faith in His bigness!

Deb Gangemi

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